Monday, July 18, 2011

Class #2

Friday's class was a lot more informative than I expected. I guess I didn't know what to expect to learn about twitter, but I was surprised that I could do so much with it! I assumed that twitter was much like Facebook and it was mainly used for socializing and keep up with people's day-to-day routines, but I had no idea that twitter actually had this whole other side to it. Seeing that twitter is used for many different professional uses is very exciting, but also scares me a little. I guess until I search through twitter on my own and really learn how to use it, I will get more comfortable with it.
I really enjoyed Antonia coming in and talking with us, not only about twitter but also about her experience in the MAC program. We have heard from a lot of people about the MAC program including past macros, but she shared very different things with us. It was really great to see her excitement over twitter and how much she uses it! It seems strange to me that out of everyone in her cohort last year, she is one of the only ones that likes and uses twitter. It was great to hear that she has found a job and learned a lot through the MAC program.. it gives me hope that in the end, all this work will be worth it!
Finally, even though we did not spend much time on the product review assignment, I am very excited about it! I am very excited to be published in a magazine from my product review. This assignment is very different than any other assignment I have done and I think it will be great experience. I am also excited that my product that I am reviewing is Adobe Creative Suite! Hopefully, I will be able to figure out how to work it...


  1. You and Josh definitely get the elephantine product to review -- but I think it will be fun! Glad you saw a different side to Twitter!

  2. I didn't know Twitter could be as useful as we saw on Friday either. I, like you, thought it was more of a way to "reach out" to people, as opposed to a way of "receiving" news, trends, and other information that could be useful to us as teachers. However, Im still very leery of allowing kids to use it in the classroom.

  3. The format, or lack thereof, of this course has been a breath of fresh air. We are never doing the same thing, and never talking about the same issues, except that technology is tied into it all. Antonia was really informative, and her ideas on Professional Learning and Growth were actually quite simple and easy to accomplish. Great resume builders.
